Finding a hobby

Over time I’ve dabble in all means of ‘hobbies’ I tried learning to play the bass. (Turns out I didn’t have the patience) I tried games – pc, console, board games. But once I’ve one/Compleats something once I lose interest (I also rage quit when I lose and never return – I don’t like being beaten by inanimate objects) I even tried knitting but could never work out how to finish things. I’ve been trying to work out a sewing machine of late but again with the inanimate objects winning thing.

I’ve always enjoyed reading (when my brain allows it) and I love cooking, it’s our main family activity, and my idea of a relaxing afternoon is taking long walks through woodlands. However I have found a love for crafts. I enjoy making things. Cards, pictures, little hanging pillows and such from the clothes little miss has outgrown. At first I just seen it as something I do every now and again. But now I’ve realised I have a real love for it. I enjoy making things intended for others with my hands.

I live for the holidays, every dang one of them. At Christmas I go all out, I make personalised tags for each gift, cookies and hit hot chocolate. Halloween is spent carving pumpkins, making our and trying to out do last year’s costume. Easter I made little miss a tutu and tail so she could dress as a bunny. Mothers day we made cards, father’s Day we did canvas painting. I will find any excuse to pull out the craft box.

The best part of the things I call hobbies? There all activities I can involve my family in when the mood strikes. But there also things I can do alone and enjoy. It’s important to find things that make you happy. Things you enjoy doing. For some it’s jigsaws and others skiing. And for you? What’s your hobby? I’m interested in hearing what kind of things you all get up to so please comment and let me know.

Love and hugs,

Hayleigh xo

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